
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Stand By Me

You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes  2nd Timothy 1:15

 I found myself in a similar situation I had prayed myself right out of the church I was in.  I struggled with this for weeks before I finally got the nerve to tell anyone. I told my daughter and son first, and they were fine. Actually, they loved it.  Even my mom and dad were fine with it for a day.

After they let what I said sink in, they did not like it one bit.  Before I knew it, they were bombarding me with many reasons as to why I shouldn’t change churches. “It’s too far of a drive. Is it really worth it?” they would say. This is just like when we get a word from Holy Ghost and everything is fine for a day and then all heck comes against you.  I even began to question myself, “I said I would never leave the church I was in”, but I know what God told me. I was having to battle against my flesh and what was familiar to me.

Deep in my heart, I knew I had heard from God, but the voice of the enemy tried to creep into my thoughts during the day. The people who are closest to me.  I prayed myself to a place where I could hear God clearly. It may not have been what I wanted to hear, but it was what I needed to hear at the time to get me where I needed to be.
Once I started proclaiming what God had said to me, there was a boldness that came over me. I had numerous people coming to me saying how much I was needed and appreciated. I said that I understood what she was saying I also went on to say exactly what God had said to me and that He had told me to go to Gateway Believers Fellowship. I looked at her and said God still speaks today and when I said that her head went tilt. People will even get mad at you when you take a stand for God. When you hear the master’s voice, you cannot be swayed. God said he would never leave or forsake you, and He is so faithful to His word. God provided such a peace

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