Today has been one of those days I had bunion surgery. Been in a little more pain just because of me putting all my weight back on my leg. I was in the cast 2 weeks. Now, I'm in a boot. I had to go back to my doctor the other day the boot they gave me was to small. Oh, what a difference small and medium are.
I had one done 3 years ago and wished I had of got the other done sooner, but my Mom got sick and some other things came up and it was postponed. Now I have 2 straight feet. I am so glad to have it done.I will be down for about 7 weeks. This is week four for me. Don't hesitate to do it.
It will be well worth it. My back will be so much better. I like to walk, and jog. I'm so looking forward to getting back it my swing. Bunions are hereditory. They will not get better. Only worse.