
Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Idea Of Perfection

We all have our own preconceived ideas about perfection.  The perfect body, house, kids and the lists go on and on.  I have been having some painting done in my house.  I have noticed as one wall gets finished I find something else that needs perfecting.  Isn't that just like us as human beings?

I have been trying to lose a certain amount of weight around my mid-section.  It has been about a year now, and I am getting it almost to where I want it.  So now I am working growing my hair longer.  As I was looking at my hair, a thought popped in my head to just tuck it behind my ears, so I did and it looked ok.  All day yesterday I kept going by the mirror to see if I thought it looked okay.  Even though I have had several compliments about it, I was the one with the image problem.  Yes, you heard me right I have a image problem. 

Like most of us, we are not sure of ourselves or have insecurities lurking in the back of our mind.  I know I do.  In the past, I would not have admitted this, but I think by dealing with what is on the inside of me I can get to the real problem. That would be just to love myself the way God loves me.  He sees me already perfect and if I can ever see the way He sees me.  Well, that would be great.  Perfection to God is totally different than what we know.  Gal.  5:22- talks a little about Fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, long suffering, patience, and a few others. 

Take time today and see yourself as love, joy, peace, kind.  See if this doesn't change the way you think about perfection. 

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